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These are our procedures and guidelines that we need to follow to ensure that the outdoor sessions are safe when we do get to go back outside. So, here we go with the serious stuff. 




MEET UP AT THE WORKOUT SPACE. Usually, we work in the space behind Peterhouse (Bootcamp) or on the Doughnut (Runners), but depending on the nature of the session we might change location. I will let everyone know where we'll be in the reminder email I send out before each session (along with a map). This means we don't have to congregate or move together to the workout space. We can arrive & warm up with plenty of space between everyone. 


PAYMENT IN ADVANCE VIA BACS. I do have a card machine, but it's better to sort all that out beforehand and minimise close contact. We can then get straight into the training and keep safely distanced. Contact me for payment details.


UPPER LIMIT TO CLASS SIZES. Our classes are limited to 25 maximum (including trainers) in order to maintain safe spacing.


HAND SANITISING. Everyone, please bring your own small bottle of hand sanitizer. I will have some just in case but it's better we don't share anything.


FACE MASKS. It's not practical to wear a mask while training (unless you have a specialist running or training mask), but make sure to have one with you for before and after the session.


TEMPERATURE CHECKS. You will have your temperature taken before each session. If it is above 38 you will not be able to do the session and must return home.


REGISTER. I always take a register, but this document is even more important now. Once you've had your temperature checked make sure I have marked you off. The attendance list will be sent to Track & Trace in the event of an outbreak in the group.


SPACING. Every session will be designed in a formation that maintains at least 3m between everyone. This means 3m in the warm-up, during the session, and at cooldown. If you find you are closing in on someone or overtaking, slow down and ease off so you can safely give them a 3m wide berth, safety before personal bests. When you arrive at the session once you have had your temperature taken and been signed into the register you will be directed to your workspace where you will be based for the session. Please stay by your spot and don't move unless directed by the trainer and return to the spot when directed.


NO SHARING OF ANYTHING. I know that's pretty obvious, but don't share phones, water, anything.


BRING YOUR OWN MAT. Following on from that, if you want to work with a mat you will need to get your own and bring it along. We won't be supplying any mats to use or share for obvious reasons.


COVID SYMPTOMS. If you feel unwell in any way, please stay home and get tested. Do not come to the session. Let me know by email or phone. I will have to notify everyone else and Track & Trace in the event of a positive test. The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:


  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


If you have any of these symptoms, let me know.


If you start to feel unwell during a session, let me know. You will, unfortunately, have to go home. 


OUTBREAK. If there is a wide-scale lockdown or a change in guidance that means we can't train together then we'll resume the live online sessions. Also if there is a positive COVID test for anyone in the group we will have to notify local track & trace and return to online sessions while everyone self isolates for 2 weeks.


OTHER PEOPLE. One of the good things about lockdown is that more people have discovered the beautiful forest right on our doorstep. One of the bad things about lockdown is that more people have discovered the beautiful forest right on our doorstep and are taking up our space. So be aware of members of the public and afford them courtesy and the same 2m spacing.


Right, that's the safety briefing. I know it sucks the fun out of it a bit, but it's crucial we do all we can to keep each other safe.


You see our Risk Assessment here.


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Walthamstow | London | England | UK |


© 2018 By Michael Rees.

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