No More Resolutions

It’s a familiar story.
Christmas Day. You’ve already devoured a plate piled high with turkey, sprouts, roasties, cabbage, pigs in blankets, pork stuffing AND Nanna’s special apricot stuffing; followed by Christmas pud and brandy sauce. A short break to catch the King’s speech. Still thinking about pigs in blankets for some reason.
Bit of Christmas cake? Oh go on then. The following week is a blur of cake, pies, cold cuts, pickled onions, tight waistbands and farts.
Bailey’s for breakfast? Why not!
New Year’s Eve. End the year with one big push. Finish all the booze and beige party snacks before the sun rises on January 1st. The morning comes. What does this year hold?
It’s time to make a change. What will you do differently?
The truth is most New Year’s resolutions don’t make it to February, so how will you ensure this year is different?
Start Small & Achievable
You’ve heard the phrase “Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves”. It’s the same with goals of any kind. Big, lofty life-changing plans are all well and good but are destined to fail unless you look after the details. If you’re thinking about 3 months down the line you’re not thinking about now.
Sit down with a pen and paper and write down 3 things that you can do today. It can be something as simple as walking for 20 minutes a day, eating fresh veg with your meals and going to bed 30 minutes earlier every night.
Be Positive
Make the changes positive. Denying yourself things that give you pleasure can set you up for failure, so look for healthy habits to ADD to your day rather than take things away..
Be Consistent
Do the 3 things you choose, every day. Change takes work to start with. After a week it feels easier. The next week is easier still. After a few weeks of consistency, it’s just what you do with your day.
Then you can think about 1 or 2 new things to add that help you to progress.
Be Adaptable
We’re human and sometimes we fall short. Sometimes life just gets in the way. It’s tempting to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don’t let whatever happened knock you off course. Accept that it’s happened, get up tomorrow and carry on regardless.
Get back to doing what you planned and you’ll get back on track before you know it.
Be Accountable
You can achieve your goals on your own but you will always be more likely to succeed if you do it with someone else.
Whatever you do, do it with a friend. Join a group exercise class or a running group and go together once a week.
Whatever you choose, do it together, succeed together.